Embracing my Wellness Weirdness

One of my favorite topics to discuss, research, and experiment with is wellness. What that means is different for everyone. For me, it's about what I put into my body (via vitamin capsules/herbs/tonics, drinking plenty of water, smoothie and cooking ingredients), as well as what I do FOR myself: a good night's rest, an aromatic... Continue Reading →

NEW Beauty Smoothie

I've shared my morning breakfast smoothie here before. I was looking to switch it up, and get some new things/flavors, so that I wouldn't get sick of a collagen smoothie every day. Kroger has stepped up their health food game, & I've been loving my switch to Califia Farms unsweetened vanilla almond milk. This brand... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: The Power of a Routine

I can compare almost anything that comes with "claims" to exercise. You can't just work out once and expect results, right? The same can be said for a skincare routine, a pattern of eating (I despise the word diet!), reaping benefits from vitamins....you get the point. Anything with a quick fix reaps no long term... Continue Reading →

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